Comedian Jerry Seinfeld once said “If given only two choices, the average person at a funeral would prefer to be the person laid out in the casket than the poor stiff who has to deliver the eulogy!”
While that may sound a bit over the top, a surprising number of studies on the subject actually do rank fear of public speaking as the #1 fear in North America. In these same studies, death is typically ranked 5th or 6th. Go Figure?
In any event, I thought I'd run my own little survey. If you have a minute, please indicate what you are most afraid of from the list of the top ten fears to the right. And if you have a minute more, please feel free to comment below.
Have a great day and may all your fears be unfounded!
In any event, I thought I'd run my own little survey. If you have a minute, please indicate what you are most afraid of from the list of the top ten fears to the right. And if you have a minute more, please feel free to comment below.
Have a great day and may all your fears be unfounded!
Nothing strikes fear in most of us like
being called on to present