What's In It For You?

This Year Why Not Resolve to Become A Great Presenter?

What's in it for you? According to a recent survey conducted by University of Pittsburgh’s Katz Business School, the ability to communicate is the single greatest factor contributing to one’s success in business and a critical skill for anyone in a position of leadership! Higher grades, better performance reviews, stronger sales results, bigger pay checks, exciting new opportunities, greater respect and admiration, even fame and fortune are but a few of the many rewards that accrue to those who can confidently, convincingly and compellingly present their ideas to others… especially to those who can do so to groups.

Public speaking is a must have skill both in business and in life. Unfortunately, most of us don't exactly look forward to the opportunity to stand in front of others and present and for some of us, the mere prospect is terrifying. A surprising number of studies have even gone as far as to rank the fear of public speaking as our #1 fear! If the prospect of having to speak in public makes your throat go dry, stomach churn, or knees goes weak, this book will help you leave your fears behind and become a great presenter - Guaranteed!


Jim’s book offers anyone who is faced with a public speaking venture an easy roadmap to not only cope with, but even come to love speaking in public. His down to earth suggestions, combined with a healthy dose of humour, offer a wonderful guide for even the most experienced public speakers but more importantly, make this book a must read for anyone who would rather do anything than speak in public.

Rosie Steeves, PhD, President of Executive Works and author of Breaking the Leadership Mold

How Not to Suck at Public Speaking will strike a chord for anyone looking for simple and practical ways to dramatically improve their presentation skills. You can read this book and immediately take action to see remarkable changes overnight! A must read for anyone looking to better themselves and enhance the listening experience for their audience.

Roy Osing, President & CEO of Brilliance for Business and author of BE DIFFERENT or be dead

This book is all about control!  Being anxious before making a speech or a presentation is not a problem - not controlling the anxiety is! Combining humour and a great writing style, Jim lets you in on the secrets professional speakers use to get rid of  “Gumby Knees,” stay in control and knock the socks off audiences. There is great wisdom in this book - keep it on the side of your desk - it is your passport to better speaking and presenting!

Dr. Tom Olson, President of T.L. Olson & Associates Inc. and author of don’t die with your helmet on

Jim is a genius at taking us out of our heads, our doubts, our insecurities and self-talk that leads nowhwere. My first inclination was to describe the book as simple, straightforward and practical. Yet none of these words does justice to Jim's book. He handily eliminates, in about 42 information and humour filled pages, every insecurity we have hidden behind, each self belief we've fostered, and an entire rafter of avoidance patterns we have slunk under when anyone asks us to speak in public. Jim's depth of knowledge about people and what makes us tick is precisely why his book is so readable. He has an answer for every excuse we make about why we can't speak in public. And he knows:
  • We all screw up speaking
  • We all suck sometimes
  • No one else knows unless we tell them
Jim's advise - just do it!

Patricia Lambert, Manager BOSS Self-Employment Program, Capilano University's E2 Newsletter 

Jim is a multi-faceted and talented individual that excels at teaching others to excel at life. I strongly recommend that everyone read Jim's book. It's one of the best keep secrets out their and represents a life changing opportunity - all for only $15.

Carlos Taylhardat, Owner and Principal Photographer, Art of Headshots